ISSN 1817-969X (Print), ISSN 1817-9746 (Online)
The journal is included in the ” Journal of Abstracts ” and Databases VINITI . For information about the journal are published annually in the international help for periodicals and serials Ulrich’s Periodical Directory.
Since 2007, the journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications , which should be published by the main results of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science candidate and VAK ( chemistry ) , including as a magazine recommended for publication of the main results of dissertations on the degree of Doctor of Science.
Since January 2007 the magazine “Mass Spectrometry ” was included in the Russian Science Citation Index ( author ), created by the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU ( author – is a specialized database for the Russian scientific periodicals , created on the basis of bibliographic descriptions of articles , abstracts , or abstracts, and cited references pristateynyh literature. The base is equipped with a powerful search and analysis system capable of realizing queries of varying complexity. Detection is achieved not only the citation index for the magazine , but also for each author. On the basis of the citation index of individual authors that are published in the journal impact factor is calculated only publication that is a quantitative indicator of the average citation of articles in this edition for a certain period of time. In fact, the impact factor – it is an objective quantitative measure of “weight” of the publication in the professional community , its readability and relevance . On the basis of this index is determined by the value of a publication . Citation index and impact factor required the Ministry of Education and Science, and in particular the WAC as a tool for scientometric and bibliometric analysis, including the drafting and editing of the list of the leading Russian scientific journals.
The Board of RSMS magazine will be distributed in the following way:
Each regional organization RSMS receive free quotas on the number of copies. The quota is 1 copy . by 10 members of the RSMS . If the number of people in the organization of less than 10 , the organization receives the number 1 on the incomplete 10 people. For example, if the organization:
3 people – 1 copy of the 10 people – 1 copy of the 11 people – 2 copies of the 23 people – 3 copies, etc.
The other issue of the magazine will be distributed by subscription.
Below are the issues of the magazine , published in 2007-2011.
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