Assessment of bioproduction relevance in the photic layer anoxia conditions at formation of dispersed organic matter of source rocks and oils by mass-spectrometry data


M.B. Smirnov, E.N. Poludetkina

A technique is proposed for estimating the content of individual groups of compounds – anoxia markers – in the photic layer of the sedimentation basin and their total content in fractions of oils and dispersed organic matter. Appropriate variants of presenting the data are analyzed. Based on the data on the common content of anoxia markers, a method has been proposed for answering the question of whether hydrogen sulfide contamination was permanent, covering the major part of the water column, or there was an episodic infection that spread to a limited water layer. These data also allow one to estimate the role of the organic matter formed under anoxic conditions, in its general balance. Composition parameter is proposed that allows one to determine the similarities in the conditions of organic matter transformation in different rocks.

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