Features of determination of residual amounts of chloramphenicol and tetracycline in food by high performance liquid chromatography/high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry
V.G. Amelin, N.M. Fedina, A.I. Korotkov
A method for the determination of chloramphenicol, its succinate forms and epiforms of tetracyclines in food products (meat, milk, liver, kidney, eggs, fish and honey) with the aid of HPLC/high resolution quadrupole TOF mass spectrometry has been suggested. It has been found that the use of the standard addition method and dilution of the extract by deionized water gave rise to a leveling of the matrix effect and the errors associated with the manifestation of the isomeric forms on the chromatographic peaks. Limits of detection of chloramphenicol and epiform of tetracyclines were 0.1 ng g‒1 and 1‒2 ng g‒1 respectively. Relative standard deviation of the test results did not exceed 10 %.