Mass spectrometric determination of isotope ratios 13С/12С in Schisandra chinensis depending


Mass spectrometric determination of isotope ratios 13С/12С
in Schisandra chinensis depending on geographic growing region

A.M. Antokhin, J.B. Aksenova, O.V. Kuznetsova, S.V. Vasilevsky, V.M. Goncharov, A.A. Ihalainen

The changes in carbon isotopic composition for different parts of Schisandra chinensis (seeds, leaves, berries, vines) growing in Bryansk, and Moscow regions as well as in Sakha (Yakutia) Republic were studied. It was shown that depending on the growing region both the values of δ13C and isotopic ratios of the individual active components change substantially, the more eastern the region of plant growing, the more negative being δ13C. Concentrations of the active components (shizandrols and shizandrins) in each of the plant samples were determined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The active components of S. chinensis were also found to be closely related to the region, and their content is higher in the case of plant samples from the East (Yakutia) as compared with plant samples grown in the West (Bryansk region). The possibility of the methods used to assign the region of S. chinensis growing was demonstrated.