Methods of correction of the second order aberrations
in laser time-of-flight analyzers
with the axial-symmetric fields
A.A. Sysoev, E.P. Fedoseev, A.V. Karpov,
A.M. Mikhailov

Some aspects of experimental design in the targeted
proteomics based on using selected reaction monitoring
and isotope-labeled peptides
E.D. Virus, A.V. Ivanov, B.P. Luzyanin, A.A. Kubatiev

Determination of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine
transformation products by gas chromatography –
tandem mass spectrometry
N.V. Ul’yanovskii, D.S. Kosyakov,
S.A. Pokryshkin, K.G. Bogolitsyn

Tandem high-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
of fluorinated thevinols and 18,19-dihydrothevinols
D.B. Eremin, V.I. Kadentsev, I.V. Sandulenko,
S.K. Moiseev

Mass spectrometric determination of isotope ratios 13С/12С
in Schisandra chinensis depending
on geographic growing region
A.M. Antokhin, J.B. Aksenova, O.V. Kuznetsova,
S.V. Vasilevsky, V.M. Goncharov, A.A. Ihalainen

Electron ionization mass spectra of hydrazones prepared from bis-chloromethylidene derivatives of 4-thio- and 4-selenomorpholinamines and aldehydes
E.R. Sanzheeva, L.V. Klyba, A.V. Martynov,
S.V. Amosova

Pepxmltk — a format converter for peptide identification
results obtained from tandem mass spectrometry
data using X!Tandem search engine
M.V. Ivanov, L.I. Levitsky, I.A. Tarasova, M.V. Gorshkov
Keywords: T11N3