The problem of blood serum/plasma samples prefractionation
The problem of blood serum/plasma samples prefractionation before
mass spectrometric proteomic profiling
R.Y. Olovyannikova, V.V. Roslavtceva, V.V. Salmin, Yu.E. Glazyrin, A.S. Zamay, N.V. Kuvacheva,
S.V. Prokopenko, A.B. Salmina
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky
Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Partizana Zheleznyaka st., 1, Krasnoyarsk Russia, 660022,
The present review is dedicated to the problems of blood serum/plasma prefractionation before its mass spectrometric proteomic investiga tion with the goal of biomarker discovery in different diseases and conditions of the organism. We discuss technologies of blood samples preparation before the mass spectrometric analysis, which are associated with the depletion (exhaustion) of the high copy subproteome from the blood samples and/or with the extraction and enrichment of low copy subproteome. The possible applications of these technologies in the identification of modified proteins are discussed.