Peculiarities of mass spectrometric detection of anthocyanins in high-performance liquid chromatography


V.I. Deineka, A.N. Sidorov, A.N. Chulkov, L.A. Deineka

The dependence of the fragmentation degree of anthocyanin “molecular” ions upon cone voltage of mass spectrometric electrospray/ionization detector was studied. It was found that the voltage required for the fragmentation of 50 % of the original “molecular” ions, Ef(0.5) increases with the number of glycoside residues. The fragmentation results in the removal of total glycoside residues regardless of their structures. In the case of 3.5-diglycosides, two types of fragment ions were formed due to the loss of glycosidic residues from different positions while the ratio of their peak intensities was opposite to that of the masses of neutrals eliminated. The values of Ef(0.5) for the monoglycosides (190 V), diglycosides (229 V), triglycosides (267 V), and for some acylated cyanidin-3,5-diglycosides were found. These results were given for gradient separation of anthocyanins by reverse phase HPLC in aqueous acetonitrile containing 10 vol. % of formic acid using a quadrupole mass spectrometric detection.

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