On the mechanism of desorption of ions in the process of laser desorption/ionization from silicon surfaces
A.A. Grechnikov, A.S. Borodkov, S.N. Zhabin, S.S. Alimpiev

Temperature deformations in the thin-walled quadrupole electrode system with the hyperbolicelectrodes
V.S. Gurov, M.V. Dubkov, I.N. Romanov, A.V. Nickolaev

Analysis of acute poisonings by some antihypertensive drugs with the use of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
E.S. Melnikov, M.V. Belova, G.V. Ramenskaya

Optimization of sample preparation conditions in the study of lignin by MALDI mass spectrometry method
D.S. Kosyakov, N.V. Ul’yanovskii, E.A. Sorokina, N.S. Gorbova

Mass spectrometric study and computer modeling of noncovalent interactions of cytosine with polyethylene glycol oligomers
V.G. Zobnina, V.V. Chagovets, О.А Boryak, M.V. Kosevich

Combination of graphite-assisted laser desorption/ ionization (GALDI) mass spectrometry and thin layer chromatography
R.S. Borisov, N.Yu. Polovkov, D.I. Zhilyaev, C.A. Esparza, V.G. Zaikin

Simple and easy approach to derivatization of alcohols for the investigation by ‘soft’ ionization mass spectrometry methods
R.S. Borisov, N.Yu. Polovkov, D.I. Zhilyaev, V.G. Zaikin

Analysis of silyl derivatives of methylphosphonic acid esters by the method of gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure photoionization
Yu.S. Yashin, I.A. Revel’sky, I.N. Tikhonova

Selected statistics of the use of mass spectral libraries
B.L. Milman, I.K.Zhurkovich
Keywords: T11N2