Resonant electron attachment to glucose and fructose molecules


P.V. Shchukin, M.V. Muftakhov

Low-energy negative ion mass spectra of glucose and fructose suggest deep fragmentation of short-lived molecular ions. Analysis of metastable ions in the mass spectra shows that some decomposition reactions proceed through intermediate ions [M–H2O]– •, etc. Along with the general similarity of ionization processes in the isomers, there is a significant difference in the intensive formation of ions at m/z 71 from glucose.

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Масс‑спектры электронной ионизации ацетатов метил‑ и ацетилгликозидов гомологического ряда глюкопиранозы

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Хроматографическая «составляющая» хроматомасс-спектрометрической идентификации

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