5 Simultaneous determination of wogonin, scutellarin, baicalin and baicalein in the extracts from Scutellariae baicalensis by high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry
D.I. Baygildieva, T.M. Baygildiev, A.N. Stavrianidi, O.A. Shpigun, I.A. Rodin
12 High-precision determination of 238U/235U isotope ratio in rocks by multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
G.V. Mandzhieva, A.S. Sadasyuk, I.V. Chernyshev, K.N. Shatagin, A.V. Chugaev, B.I. Gareev
22 Silylation with the generation of a fixed charge for the analysis of alcohols by MALDI and SALDI mass spectrometry
D.I. Zhilyaeva, L.G. Voskresenskya, N.Yu. Polovkovb, R.S. Borisova
26 Synthesis of fringing magnetic fields for static mass analyzers of spectrographic type
A.S. Berdnikov, L.N. Gall1 A.S. Antonov, K.V. Soloviev
44 Selection of registration conditions and fragmentation study of peptide biomarker of sarin by high-performance liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry
A.N. Stavrianidi, A.V. Braun, E.A. Stekolshchikova, T.M. Baygildiev, I.A. Rodin, I.V. Rybalchenko
51 Paradoxical secondary emission mass spectrum of the leuco form of methylene blue
M.V. Kosevich, O.A. Boryak, V.S. Shelkovsky, V.G. Zobnina, V.V. Orlov
59 Resonant electron attachment to glucose and fructose molecules
P.V. Shchukin, M.V. Muftakhov
64 Electron ionization mass spectra of trimethylsilyl-pentafluoropropionyl and trimethylsilyl-heptafluorobutyryl derivatives of β-adrenoreceptor modulators
A.A. Samosorova, Yu.A. Efimova
69 Памяти Рюрика Аркадьевича Хмельницкого (1929–2018)
71 Памяти Андрея Юрьевича Елизарова (1958–2017)