Информация о защищенных диссертациях по масс-спектрометрии

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Letter to the Editor Selected statistics of the use of mass spectral libraries


B.L. Milman1, I.K. Zhurkovich2

1 Institute of Experimental Medicine,
Akad. Pavlov str., 12, 197376, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,
E-mail: bmilman@mail.rcom.ru; bormilman@yandex.ru
2Institute of Toxicology,
Bekhterev str., 1, 192019, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,
E-mail: zhurkovich@toxicology.ru





Analysis of silyl derivatives of methylphosphonic acid esters by the method of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure photoionization


Yu.S. Yashin, I.A. Revel’sky, I.N. Tikhonova
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department


Simple and easy approach to derivatization of alcohols for the investigation by ‘soft’ ionization mass spectrometry methods


R.S. Borisov, N.Yu. Polovkov, D.I. Zhilyaev, V.G. Zaikin
A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences


Combination of graphite-assisted laser desorption/ionization (GALDI) mass spectrometry and thin layer chromatography


R.S. Borisov, N.Yu. Polovkov, D.I. Zhilyaev, C.A. Esparza, V.G. Zaikin
A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences,


Mass spectrometric study and computer modeling of noncovalent interactions of cytosine with polyethylene glycol oligomers


V.G. Zobnina, V.V. Chagovets, О.А. Boryak, M.V. Kosevich


Optimization of sample preparation conditions in the study of lignin by MALDI mass spectrometry method


D.S. Kosyakov, N.V. Ul’yanovskii, E.A. Sorokina, N.S. Gorbova

In the present study the comparison of efficacy of six crystalline matrices, as well as their mixtures for MALDI of lignin is done, the effect of sample application technique and matrix/analyte ratio on the quality of the mass spectra is studied. It is established that the best results can be obtained when α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acids, a well as 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone are used as matrices, taken in 10–100-fold excess with respect to lignin and sequentially applied to the target in order «analyte–matrix– analyte». It is proposed for the first time to use ionic liquids as martices for obtaining of lignin MALDI mass spectra. It is shown that the ionic liquid N-tert-butyl-N-isopropyl-N-methylammonium α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate, forming a homogeneous solution with lignin gives substantially better results when compared with crystalline matrices in terms of intensity of the obtained mass spectra, and reproducibility. The structure of the MALDI mass spectra of dioxane lignin of fir caused by the predominance in the macromolecule units derived from α-guaiacylpropanone is analyzed.



Analysis of acute poisonings by some antihypertensive drugs with the use of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry


E.S. Melnikov, M.V. Belova, G.V. Ramenskaya


Temperature deformations in the thin-walled quadrupole electrode system with the hyperbolic electrodes


V.S. Gurov, M.V. Dubkov, I.N. Romanov, A.V. Nickolaev


On the mechanism of desorption of ions in the process of laser desorption/ionization from silicon surfaces


A.A. Grechnikov, A.S. Borodkov, S.N. Zhabin, S.S. Alimpiev
