Isomeric-specific analysis of composition of technical PCB mixtures: Sovol, Sovtol and Trichlorodiphenyl


A.A. Shelepchikov, E.S. Brodsky

Comparative isomer-specific analysis of technical mixtures of PCBs produced in USSR/Russia and USA was carried out. The study was performed by gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry using stable isotope labeled  standards. In each sample, 166 individual congeners or unresolved compounds representing all 209 PCB congeners were determined. The data showed that different lots of the same technical PCB mixtures had significant differences in the congeners pattern. PCB mixtures produced in the USSR (Russia), had group composition and relative abundance of indicator congeners which are similar to American Aroclors, but showed  important differences in fine congeners distribution.






Some words about the history of creation of All Russian Society for  Mass Spectrometry

M.L. Khrushcheva



Application of microbial alkaloid prodigiosin as a potent
matrix for analysis of low molecular mass plant antioxidants
by maldi mass spectrometry

A.B. Duzhak, T.D. Williams, Z.I. Panfilova, Y.P. Tsentalovich, T.G. Duzhak



Carbon nano coatings: new approach to obtaining
mass spectra of low molecular compounds using
surface assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry

D.S. Kosyakov, E.A. Sorokina, N.V. Ul’yanovskii, E.A. Varakin, D.G. Chukhchin, N.S. Gorbova



Profiling of phytoecdysteroids in extract of sawwort (Serratula coronata)
using high-performance liquid chromatography /
high resolution tandem mass spectrometry

D.A. Sevko, M.K. Beklemishev, I.A. Rodin, A.A. Ihalaynen,
A.M. Antokhin, V.F. Taranchenko, 
V.M. Goncharov, D.A. Mitrofanov, A.V. Aksenov



A comparative protein profiling of chronic lymphoid leukemia
lymphocytes by high-resolution mass-spectrometry for search
of new markers for heterogeneity and disease prognosis

Yu.E. Glazyrin, M.A. Komarova, V.I. Bakhtina, 
M.V. Silacheva, I.V. Demko, A.S. Zamay, T.N. Zamay



Allocation of information attributes
in the mass spectrometric signals of air

V.V. Manoilov, A.G. Kuzmin, U.A. Titov



Isomeric-specific analysis of composition
of technical PCB mixtures: Sovol,
Sovtol and Trichlorodiphenyl

 A.A. Shelepchikov, E.S. Brodsky


Allocation of information attributes in the mass spectrometric signals of air


V.V. Manoilov, A.G. Kuzmin, U.A. Titov

The paper describes a new method of isolating informational attributes from the processed signals − the generalized spectral analysis in the adapted basis. Studies of the functional structure of mathematical foundations and adaptable classification system of different signal types, including the quadrupole mass spectra of air, was carried out. The algorithms for synthesis of basis functions adapted to process signals orthogonal transforms was developed. The use of the method for the analytical instrumentation is demonstrated by the treatment of mass spectra obtained with the aid of a quadrupole mass spectrometer in the process of analysis of man exhaled gases.


Profiling of phytoecdysteroids in extract of sawwort (Serratula coronata) using high-performance liquid chromatography / high resolution tandem mass spectrometry


D.A. Sevko, M.K. Beklemishev, I.A. Rodin, A.A. Ihalaynen,
A.M. Antokhin, V.F. Taranchenko, V.M. Goncharov,
D.A. Mitrofanov, A.V. Aksenov

This paper reports the research of phytoecdysteroids in extract of sawwort (Serratula coronatа) by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution mass-spectrometry. Mass-spectra of target analytes including tandem mass-spectra are obtained. Fragmentation of phytoecdysteroids negative ions, generated using electrospray ionization, is studied. Structures of target analytes are proposed. Quantitative assessment of identified compounds is carried out.


Carbon nano coatings: new approach to obtaining mass spectra of low molecular compounds using surface assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometr


D.S. Kosyakov, E.A. Sorokina, N.V. Ul’yanovskii, E.A. Varakin,
D.G. Chukhchin, N.S. Gorbova

A simple and rapid way to obtain the targets for investigation of low molecular weight compounds by surface-assisted laser desorption / ionization mass spectrometry (SALDI), comprising a vacuum sputtering of the carbon layer with thickness of about 50 nm onto the metal surface, is proposed. The resulting coatings are characterized by homogenity, hydrophobicity and a high mechanical strength, eliminating the possibility of contamination of the mass spectrometer. The comparison of the SALDI mass spectra of test compounds recorded with the aid of conventional carbon materials and carbon nanocoating demonstrates such advantages of the latter as high spectral resolution and the absence of spectral interferences in the low values ​​of m/z.


Application of microbial alkaloid prodigiosin as a potent matrix for analysis of low molecular mass plant antioxidants by maldi mass spectrometry


A.B. Duzhak, T.D. Williams, Z.I. Panfilova, Y.P. Tsentalovich, T.G. Duzhak

Microbal alkaloid prodigiozin (PG) is introduced as a new efficient matrix for negative mode matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry analysis of low molecular mass plant antioxidants. Physicochemical properties demonstrated by PG such as efficient ionization/desorbtion of the analytes, strong absorbtion at the applied laser wavelength, high solubility in the same organic solvents as analyte, uniform crystallization on the target, stability at working conditions, devoid of matrix fragment and cluster ions in the low m/z region, are in a good agreement with the requirements for the effective matrix. PG as a potent matrix facilitates effective ionization of plant antioxidants from multicomponent preparations. Characteristic features of flavonoid aglycones mass spectra recorded in the presence of PG as a matrix are high quality (signal to noise ratio more than 103) and good reproducibility. Application of PG for MALDI MS analysis of complex plant antioxidants mixtures permit the simultaneous detection and confident interpretation of the large set of ions corresponding to more than twenty different antioxidants in the low m/z range of 100 – 500.

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