217 Заикин В.Г. К семидесятипятилетию со дня рождения
219 О кандидате на избрание в почетные члены Всероссийского масс-спектрометрического общества (2016–2017)

220 Tryptamine: reactive matrix for MALDI mass spectrometry
M.S. Slyundina, N.Yu. Polovkov, R.S. Borisov, V.G. Zaikin

225 Identification of regions in apomyoglobin which form intermolecular interactions in amyloid aggregates using high-performance mass spectrometry
N.S. Katina, M.Yu. Suvorina, E.I. Grigorashvili, V.V. Marchenkov, N.A. Ryabova, A.D. Nikulin, A.K. Surin

235 Possibilities for energy pumping in radio-frequency quadrupole by shifted supersonic gas jet. Part I. Accelerated and excited atoms transmission
V.V. Raznikov, V.V. Zelenov, E.V. Aparina, A.R. Pikhtelev, I.V. Sulimenkov

241 Determination of methylphosphonic acid in human blood plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
T.M. Baygildiev, I.A. Rodin, A.N. Stavrianidi, A.V. Braun, O.A. Shpigun, I.V. Rybalchenko

247 Chemical structure elucidation of gas chromatographic artifact of synthetic cannabinoid N-(1-carbamoyl-2-methylpropyl)-1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indazol-3-carboxamide by means of high resolution mass spectrometry
V.A. Shevyrin

252 The comparison between «low-molecular» and conventional approaches to species identification of bacteria by MALDI mass spectrometry
B.L. Milman, V.V. Gostev, A.V. Dmitriev

258 Study of gaseous sample ionization by excited particles formed in glow discharge using high resolution orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer
I.V. Sulimenkov, V.S. Brusov, V.V. Zelenov, M.G. Skoblin, V.V. Filatov, A.R. Pikhtelev, V.I. Kozlovskii

268 A new approach to increase the resolution of the mass spectrometer with wedge-shaped reflectors
E.A. Sysoeva, A.V. Spakhov, Alexander A. Sysoev
Keywords: T13N4 Contents