New method of mathematical correction of the results of analysis, obtained by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, allowing the elimination of a double charged ions interference
K.I. Chervyakovskii
A new method of mathematical correction of the results of analysis, obtained by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, for elimination of a doubly charged ions interference based on the use the isotope signal registration in two spectrometer operation modes: in standard one and with using the collision cell was proposed. Mathematical correction of the results of arsenic determination in the model solutions was performed with the aid of two process: standard and proposed in this paper. The comparison of the results accuracy and repeatability was conducted.
Interpretation and simulation of negative ion mass spectra of some phosphorus organoelement compounds
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Gas-phase fragmentation studies of biotinylated, hexaethylene glycol-spacered oligosaccharides — molecular probes — using electrospray mass spectrometry on hybrid high-resolution mass spectrometer
A.O. Chizhov, D.A. Argunov, M.L. Gening, E.V. Sukhova, E.A. Khatuntseva, A.A. Karelin,
B.S. Komarova, M.V. Orekhova, V.B. Krylov, D.V. Yasunskii, Yu.E. Tsvetkov, N.E. Nifantiev
Electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectra of biotinylated, hexaethylene glycol spacered molecular probes bearing biologically relevant carbohydrate moieties in positive and negative modes were recorded and interpret. Collisionally-induced decay mass spectra (positive mode) reveal different patterns depending on the charge of the parent ion, attached cations (or ions), the composition, and the sequence of carbohydrate fragment. The most intense peaks (two series) originate from the sequential cleavage of glycoside bonds resulting in charge location on the “reducing” end (Y series, observed for all compounds studied) or “non-reducing” end (B series). Fragmentation of the hexaethylene glycol chain giving rise to the cleavage of the C—O bond remoted from the biotin moiety is observed. Other fragment ions lighter than the mentioned above on the difference of (C2H4O)n were absent or much smaller. Similar fragmentation was found for all of the non-sulfated, biotinylated glycosides with the hexaethylene glycol spacer thus demonstrating that this type of fragmentation was characteristic for such molecular probes. Similar cleavages along with decay of biotin moiety via elimination of H2S and H2CS were observed for negative ions in collisionally-induced decay mass spectra of sulfated and neutral molecular probes.
Determination of the geographical region of growing the coffee beans by gas chromatograph-combustion – isotope ratio mass spectrometry
A.M. Antokhin, V.F. Taranchenko, S.V. Vasilevsky, A.V. Aksenov, Ju.B. Aksenova, O.V. Kuznetsova,
I.V. Lapko, M.A. Glushkova
Gas chromatography –combustion –isotope ratio mass spectrometry has been used to study the changes in carbon isotopic composition of chlorogenic acid and caffeine extracted from samples of coffee beans of different origin. It has been shown that depending on the region of coffee beans growing, the relative characteristics of carbon isotopic composition, namely δ13C, ‰, changed significantly for both caffeine and chlorogenic acid. There was a decrease in the 13C isotope observed in the following order: Africa –South America –Central America. It has been found that the δ13C values for caffeine and chlorogenic acid, when mutually considered, provide the statistically significant identification of a region where the coffee beans grow.
The «low-molecular» approach to identification of microorganisms by MALDI mass spectrometry
B.L. Milman, Yu.Yu. Ilyasov, N.V. Lugovkina, A.A. Golovina1, A.V. Dmitriev
The new approach to microorganism identification is presented which includes the transformation of their MALDI mass spectra directed to decreasing mass scale by the order of magnitude and the use of the standard software for building mass spectral libraries of low-molecular compounds and library searches. The library of 728 transformed mass spectra of 182 strains for some Streptococcus species was built. With this library, the rate of true identification was estimated by cross-comparison between library mass spectra. The true identification rate is 84 % for three Streptococcus species that corresponds to the average trueness of species identification by MALDI as found in the literature. The proposed approach to identification can be considered as the method of choice for solving problems of bacteria identification.